Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Discover Sekotong, South West Lombok!


Sekotong, South West Lombok, is unique amongst the other dive locations around Lombok. Here one finds diving as individual experiences at exclusive new dive sites around the south coast, and special day trips with the chance to go exploring in undiscovered waters. Located in the tropical bay of Sekotong, an 1,5 hour drive from Senggigi you can find the Sundancer 5star resort, and the location promises tropical sun, fabulous diving and short ways to and from the boats.

With over 3,500 species living in the Indonesian underwater world, there is one of the richest diversities of marine life to be found in this Indo-Pacific region. In comparison, the Great Barrier Reef has just 1,500 species and the Red Sea only 600. The dive sites in South Lombok reflect a good cross-section of what Indonesia has to offer, and you can “Dive in” and be fascinated by turtles, white tip reef sharks, cuttle fish, moray eels, frog fish, ghost pipefish and much, much more. South Lombok presents itself as a highlight for photographers and all scuba enthusiasts.

There are varying conditions throughout the bay of Sekotong. From easy and relaxed conditions in the protected bay to exciting and adventurous diving around Bangko Bangko and further south. This enables Sekotong to offer a great variety of dive sites for the experienced, as well as for the beginning diver, as well as fun daytrips for snorkeling and families!

Not a diver? Not a problem. The fascinating islands along the south coast welcome you with white sandy beaches for swimming, snorkeling and relaxing. Join a boat trip and view the breathtaking scenery of Lombok’s coastline and experience the pristine beaches while the divers are on the way. During the breaks you can enjoy the relaxed picnic together and have fun. There are also quiet a few opportunities to get into diving. You can do a “Scuba try out” free of charge in the shallow water. A qualified dive instructors or dive master will explain the scuba gear to you, and you can try out how comfortable you feel in the water breathing "bottled" air.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/exotic-locations-articles/discover-sekotong-south-west-lombok-395339.html

About the Author:Living on, enjoying live, and diving around Lombok for more than 6 years!

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