Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vacation to Yogyakarta, City of Culture in Indonesia

Have you ever went to Yogyakarta, or have you hear Yogyakarta City. If you don't know, let we see a moment. Yogyakarta is located about 500 km east side from capital city of Indonesia. Yogyakarta known as student city since it have many university and also know as 2nd Indonesia tourism city after Bali. Average temperature is tropical temperature, so it will be good if we visit to Yogyakarta at dry season from February until September.
Yogyakarta have many interesting place to be visit. For you who like past inheritence, there are many buddhist temple. The biggest temple is Borobudur temple. For you who like to go to beach, there are many good beach. Let we see the vacation place and interesting place in Yogyakarta deeper. For a moment let we explore about temple in Yogyakarta.

Candi Borobudur (Borobudur Temple)
It's located about 50 km north west of Yogyakarta and one of remarkable monument in Indonesia, a splendid work of art and the largest budhhist temple in the world. If you come and visit. Below is the photo taken when I went to Borobudur temple

Candi Sewu (Sewu Temple)
It hase about one thousand of temple located in one place. Based on people story, it was made by man who would engage beautiful lady, but the lady asked the man to build one thousand temple before morning. So the man build this one thousand temple in one night. Well whether you believe or not, this place is interesting place to visit

Candi Sari (Sari Temple)
Another candi located 13 km from Yogyakarta. Almost same with the others, this temple is budhist temple.

Well, actually at least there are five famous temple located around Yogyakarta. Those temple is place that we should be visit when we go to Yogyakarta. For next, we will take a look another interesting place in Yogyakarta for Vacation.

About the Author :
My name Wulan Indah from Indonesia, I like to travel and visit interesting place, especially in my own country Indonesia. If you like to know more, please visit

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1 comment:

  1. Yea I treat culture more than travelling itself. Glad to read this post


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