Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Indonesia, the heaven of sea garden

by Didit Yunanto
The most famous diving site in Indonesia is around small island facing the city of Manado. The city is located on the northern tip of Sulawesi island which is the biggest city on the north east of Indonesia since the Dutch colonization. The beauty of Manado Dive Travel - Manado North Sulawesi, Indonesia as the capital city of North Sulawesi is comparable with the interesting under water garden and life of the water around the cape. North Sulawesi has many small islands around the cape, the biggest is Bunaken island, and many smaller islands are also a good site for diving recreation and serious diving program on the area. To reach Manado one has to fly from Jakarta or Denpasar Bali to Makassar city, and from Makassar to Manado with or without stop at Palu city, the capital city of Central Sulawesi.
There is an international flight by Silk Air also from/to Singapore, yet the schedule is still not very good for traveling purpose. The reef of Bunaken Island is good all the way and 6 kilometers long island features no less than 13 diving sites. Bunaken is the centerpiece of the reserve and with careful observation and you can see majority of coral reef fishes found in Indonesia. Good coral growth usually extends down to 40-50 meters and in the deeper parts of the wall one can see sharks, large rays and Napoleon wrasse. Lekuan I, II and III are the most frequented site on Bunaken is a three-pronged coral wall in front of Lekuan Beach. Here is your good chance to see closely Napoleon wrasse, turtles, bump head parrotfish, scorpion fish and lionfish and on the reef edge swarms of anthias. The Lekuan is perfect based for diving beginner due to a little current and clear water. Kampung Bunaken is also good site for diving where you can find many variety of fish offers the same under water scenery as the Lekuan Site. Bunaken Timur is more separated than west and south bunaken, a little bit sloping profile where you can find white tip sharks. Sachiko's Point is steep wall prowled by big fish including large Tuna and Turtles. Mike's Point feature wall and a pinnacle, the coral growth including large, showy gorgonians is very good. Raymond wall with good hard and soft coral growth and some nice whip corals. Tengah is about the middle of Bunaken's western reef face. Mandolin just south of Tengah offers schooling fusiliers and good coral growth. The wall here is best at depths of 30-35 meters. Fukui Point also called Stingray Point has a stepped profile, the reef top is at 2-4 meters and then slopes down with several short but steep and drops. Cela-Cela in the crook of the reef along the south face offers many of the same charms as the popular Lekuan sites.
Bali island with Balinese people is a unique cultural unit with long history of Indian influence. The combination of nature beauty and old age tradition is a huge interest for people not only for those from modern world but also he comparable culture to see and feel the atmoshphere. The culture and religion being observed by Balinese have been nurturing the creativity in art and nature's preservation. Yet sill for the future there is a great challenge thus come from the people speakers that do not understand the impact of some important regulations inherited from the past. For somome informations on the island and it's culture we publish small articles on Bali covering various aspects of life and history. Please visit Holiday Tours for complete information www.paketwisataliburan.com

About the Author

Didit Yunanto, Marketing Manager Holiday Tour www.paketwisataliburan.com
Source : http://www.goarticles.com

1 comment:

  1. Bunaken is one the most beautiful sights in the world under the sea!


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